Convention sur l'asile diplomatique, OEA, 1954
Date d'entrée en vigueur: mercredi 29 décembre 1954
Signée par 20 pays, ratifiée par 14 pays
Pays | Date de signature | Date de ratification * | Réserve / Déclaration | Commentaires |
Argentine |
28 mars 1954 |
15 févr. 1993 |
(Reservation made at the time of signature) The Delegation of Argentina has voted in favor of the Convention regarding Territorial Asylum, but makes express reservation in regard to Article VII, as it believes that the latter does not duly consider nor satisfactorily resolve the problem arising from the exercise, on the part of political asylees, of the right of freedom of expression of thought.
Bolivie |
28 mars 1954 |
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Brésil |
28 mars 1954 |
25 juin 1957 |
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Chili |
28 mars 1954 |
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Colombie |
28 mars 1954 |
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Costa Rica |
16 juin 1954 |
13 janv. 1955 |
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Cuba |
28 mars 1954 |
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El Salvador |
28 mars 1954 |
9 juin 1954 |
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Equateur |
28 mars 1954 |
20 mars 1955 |
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Guatemala |
28 mars 1954 |
5 mars 1983 |
(Reservation made at the time of signature)
to Article III (three) wherein it refers to the surrender of persons persecuted for political reasons or offenses; because according to the provisions of our Political Constitution, we maintain that such surrender of persons persecuted for political reasons may never be carried out. We affirm, likewise, that the term "internment" in Article IX means merely location at a distance from the border. |
Haïti |
28 mars 1954 |
1 déc. 1974 |
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Également Etat partie durant la période: Du 18/01/1955 au 1/08/1967 |
Honduras |
28 mars 1954 |
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(Reservations made at the time of signature)
The Delegation of Honduras gives its approval to the Convention regarding territorial asylum with reservations with respect to those articles opposed to the Constitution and to the laws in force in the Republic of Honduras. |
Mexique |
28 mars 1954 |
25 janv. 1957 |
Nicaragua |
28 mars 1954 |
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Panama |
28 mars 1954 |
16 janv. 1958 |
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Paraguay |
28 mars 1954 |
10 avr. 1956 |
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Pérou |
22 janv. 1960 |
21 mai 1962 |
(Reservation made at the time of signature)
The Delegation of Peru makes reservation to the text of Article VII of the Convention regarding territorial asylum, insofar as it differs from Article VI of the draft proposal of the Inter- American Council of Jurists, with which the delegation concurs. |
République Dominicaine |
28 mars 1954 |
17 nov. 1961 |
(Reservations made at the time of signature)
First: The Dominican Republic does not agree to the provisions contained in Article VII and those following with respect to the unilateral determination of the urgency by the State granting asylum; and Second: The provisions of this Convention shall not be applicable, consequently, insofar as the Dominican Republic is concerned, to any controversies that may arise between the territorial State and the State granting asylum, that refer specifically to the absence of a serious situation or the non-existence of a true act of persecution against the asylee by the local authorities. |
Uruguay |
28 mars 1954 |
6 juin 1967 |
(Reservations made at the time of signature)
The Government of Uruguay makes a reservation to Article II, in the part that stipulates that the authority granting asylum, is, in no case, obligated to grant asylum nor to state its reasons for refusing it. It likewise makes a reservation to that part of Article XV that stipulates: "the only requisite being the presentation, through diplomatic channels, of a safe- conduct, duly countersigned and bearing a notation of his status as asylee by the diplomatic mission that granted asylum. En route, the asylee shall be considered under the protection of the State granting asylum." Finally, it makes a reservation to the second paragraph of Article XX, since the Government of Uruguay understands that all persons have the right to asylum, whatever their sex, nationality, belief, or religion. (Reservations made at the time of ratification) With the reservations made at the time of signature. |
Venezuela |
28 mars 1954 |
15 déc. 1954 |
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