860 convenciones multilaterales sobre el derecho del medio ambiente, los derechos humanos, el derecho humanitario y el derecho del mar
English Français Español

Protocolo facultativo del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, 2008

Firmado por 45 países, ratificado por 33 países

Países Fecha de firma Fecha de ratificación * Reserva / Declaración Comentarios


20 abr. 2023


23 sept. 2013


Antigua y Barbuda


3 jul. 2019


24 sept. 2009

24 oct. 2011


On the occasion of its ratification of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Argentine Government recalls that on 3 October 1983 the Argentine Republic rejected the extension of the application of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia Islands and South Sandwich Islands.

The Argentine Government recalls that the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia Islands and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas are an integral part of the Argentine national territory and, being illegally occupied by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, are the subject of a sovereignty dispute between the two countries which is recognized by the United Nations and other international organizations.

In this connection, the General Assembly of the United Nations has adopted resolutions 2065 (XX), 3160 (XXVIII), 31/49, 37/9, 38/12, 39/6, 40/21, 41/40, 42/19 and 43/25, in which the sovereignty dispute referred to as the “Question of the Malvinas Islands” is recognized and the Governments of the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are urged to resume negotiations in order to find as soon as possible a peaceful and lasting solution to the dispute. Concurrently, the Special Committee on Decolonization of the United Nations has repeatedly affirmed this view. Also, the General Assembly of the Organization of American States adopted, on 24 June 2010, a new pronouncement, in similar terms, on the question.

In ratifying the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Argentine Republic does so on the understanding that the system of communications provided for under that instrument does not apply to the right of peoples to self-determination in any context related to sovereignty disputes.


29 sept. 2009

13 oct. 2020


25 sept. 2009



24 sept. 2009

20 may. 2014


24 sept. 2013



12 feb. 2010

13 ene. 2012

Bosnia y Herzegovina

12 jul. 2010

18 ene. 2012

Cabo Verde

26 sept. 2011

23 jun. 2014


24 sept. 2009



25 sept. 2009


Costa Rica

28 abr. 2011

23 sept. 2014


24 sept. 2009

11 jun. 2010

El Salvador

25 sept. 2009

20 sept. 2011


Article 10

With respect to article 10, the Government of the Republic of El Salvador hereby declares that it recognizes the competence of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to receive and consider communications to the effect that a State party claims that another State party is not fulfilling its obligations under the Covenant.

Article 11

With respect to article 11, the Government of the Republic of El Salvador hereby declares that it recognizes the competence of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provided for under the article.

es República Yugoslava de Macedonia

14 ago. 2013



24 sept. 2009

7 mar. 2012


24 sept. 2009



24 sept. 2009

23 sept. 2010



16 ago. 2018


24 sept. 2009

31 ene. 2014


“The Republic of Finland
declares that it recognizes
the competence of the committee to receive and consider inter-state communications made against
it provided for in article 10
of the Protocol and the competence of the committee
concerning an inquiry procedure provided for in
article 11 of the Protocol.”


11 dic. 2012

18 mar. 2015


24 sept. 2009

1 abr. 2014


24 sept. 2009



24 sept. 2009


Guinea Bissau

25 sept. 2009




16 ene. 2018


23 mar. 2012


Islas Marshall


12 mar. 2018

Islas Salomón

24 sept. 2009



28 sept. 2009

20 feb. 2015


23 sept. 2010



24 sept. 2009

3 feb. 2015


25 sept. 2009



21 sept. 2011

23 dic. 2020


24 sept. 2009



23 dic. 2009

1 jul. 2010


24 sept. 2009

24 sept. 2013



7 nov. 2014

Países Bajos

24 sept. 2009



6 oct. 2009



24 sept. 2009

28 ene. 2013


“With respect to article 10, the Portuguese Republic hereby declares that it recognizes the competence of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to receive and consider
communications to the effect that a State Party cl
aims that another State Party is not fulfilling its
obligations under the Covenant.
With respect to article 11, the Portuguese Republic hereby declares that it recognizes the competence of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provided for under this article.”



21 may. 2018

The State of Qatar does not consider itself bound by the following provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights for the below mentioned reasons:
1. Article 3 with regard to provisions related to the inheritance of power, for it contravenes the provisions of article 8 of the Constitution.
2. Article 23.4, for it contravenes the Islamic Sharia.

1. The State of Qatar shall interpret the term “punishment” in Article 7 of the Covenant in accordance with the applicable legislation of Qatar and the Islamic Sharia. 2. The State of Qatar shall interpret Article 18, paragraph 2, of the Covenant based on the understanding that it does not contravene the Islamic Sharia. The State of Qatar reserves the right to implement such paragraph in accordance with such understanding. 3. The State of Qatar shall interpret that the term “trade unions” and all related matters, as mentioned in Article 22 of the Covenant, are in line with the Labor Law and national legislation. The State of Qatar reserves the right to implement such article in accordance with such understanding. 4. The State of Qatar shall interpret Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Covenant in a manner that does not contravene the Islamic Sharia. The State of Qatar reserves the right to implement such paragraph in accordance with such understanding. 5. The State of Qatar shall interpret Article 27 of the Covenant that professing and practicing one's own religion require that they do not violate the rules of public order and public morals, the protection of public safe[t]y and public health, or the rights of and basic freedoms of others.
República Centroafricana


11 oct. 2016

República Democratica del Congo

23 sept. 2010


Santo Tomé y Príncipe

31 oct. 1995

10 ene. 2017


24 sept. 2009




22 sept. 2023

Sudán del Sur


5 feb. 2024


28 sept. 2009



25 sept. 2009



24 sept. 2009



24 sept. 2009

4 feb. 2013


4 oct. 2011

10 oct. 2018
