860 multilateral conventions on Environmental Law, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Law of the Sea
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Council of Europe Convention on action against trafficking in human beings, 2005

Entry into force: Friday, February 1, 2008

Adoption date: May 16, 2005

Adoption place: Varsovie

Depositary: Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l'Europe

Signed by 43 countries, ratified by 43 countries

Country Signature date Ratification date * Reservation / Declaration Comments

Dec 22, 2005

Feb 6, 2007


Nov 17, 2005

Mar 23, 2011


May 16, 2005

Apr 14, 2008


May 16, 2005

Dec 12, 2006


Feb 25, 2010

Jun 23, 2010

Declarations contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 23 June 2010 - Or. Engl.

The Republic of Azerbaijan declares that the rights and obligations set out in the provisions of the Convention shall not be applied by the Republic of Azerbaijan in respect of Armenia.

The Republic of Azerbaijan declares that it is unable to guarantee the implementation of the provisions of the Convention in its territories occupied by the Republic of Armenia (the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its seven districts surrounding that region), until the liberation of these territories from the occupation and complete elimination of the consequences of that occupation (the schematic map of the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan is available here).
Period covered: 1/10/2010 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : -



Nov 26, 2013


Nov 17, 2005

Apr 27, 2009

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jan 19, 2006

Jan 11, 2008


Nov 22, 2006

Apr 17, 2007


May 16, 2005

Sep 5, 2007


May 16, 2005

Oct 24, 2007


Sep 5, 2006

Sep 19, 2007

Reservation contained in a letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark deposited with the instrument of ratification, on 19 September 2007 - Or. Engl.

In accordance with Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Denmark reserves the right not to apply Article 31, paragraph 1.e, of the Convention.
Period covered: 1/2/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31

Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 19 September 2007 - Or. Fr.

Denmark declares that the Convention shall not apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland until further decision.
Period covered: 1/2/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 44


Feb 3, 2010

Feb 5, 2015


Aug 29, 2006

May 30, 2012


May 22, 2006

Jan 9, 2008

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 9 January 2008 - Or. Fr.

In accordance with Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the French Government declares that it will establish its jurisdiction on offences established in accordance with Article 20 of this Convention and committed by its nationals outside the territory of the French Republic, only if the offences are also punishable under the legislation of the State where they have been committed, and if these offences are also the subject either of a complaint from the victim or his/her beneficiaries, or of an official denunciation from the authorities of the country where they have been committed.
Period covered: 1/5/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 20, 31

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 9 January 2008 - Or. Fr.

In accordance with Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the French Government declares that it will establish its jurisdiction on offences established by this Convention and committed against one of its nationals outside the territory of the French Republic, only if the offences are the subject either of a complaint from the victim or of an official denunciation by the authorities of the country where they have been committed.
Period covered: 1/5/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31


Oct 19, 2005

Mar 14, 2007

Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 14 March 2007 - Or. Engl.

Georgia declares that, until the restoration of the territorial integrity of Georgia, the Convention shall apply on the part of the territory of Georgia where Georgia exercises its full jurisdiction.
Period covered: 1/2/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : -


Nov 17, 2005

Dec 19, 2012


Nov 17, 2005

Apr 11, 2014


Oct 10, 2007

Apr 4, 2013


May 16, 2005

Feb 23, 2012


Apr 13, 2007

Jul 13, 2010


Jun 8, 2005

Nov 29, 2010


May 19, 2006

Mar 6, 2008

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 6 March 2008 - Or. Engl.

In accordance with Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia declares that it reserves the right not to apply the jurisdiction rules laid down in paragraphs 1 (d) and (e).
Period covered: 1/7/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31


Feb 12, 2008

Jul 26, 2012


May 16, 2005

Apr 9, 2009


May 16, 2005

Jan 30, 2008

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 30 January 2008 - Or. Engl.

Regarding Article 31, paragraph 1, of the Convention, Malta declares that it will apply the jurisdiction rules set out in sub-paragraph (d) only when the offence is committed by one of its nationals. Malta declares that it will not apply the jurisdiction rules set out in sub-paragraph (e) of this article.
Period covered: 1/5/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31


May 16, 2005

Jul 30, 2008


Nov 17, 2005

Apr 22, 2010

Declaration contained in the instrument of acceptance deposited on 22 April 2010 - Or. Engl.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 44, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares that it accepts the said Convention for the Kingdom in Europe.
Period covered: 1/8/2010 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 44


May 16, 2005

Jan 17, 2008


May 16, 2005

Nov 17, 2008

Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 17 November 2008 - Or. Engl.

The Government of the Republic of Poland notes hereby that the effective realisation of the Parties' obligations resulting from Article 25 of the Convention requires establishing effective international legal and technical mechanisms concerning the exchange of information on sentences passed by another Party, in relation to offences established in accordance with the Convention.
Period covered: 1/3/2009 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 25

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 17 November 2008 - Or. Engl.

Pursuant to Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings, the Government of the Republic of Poland reserves hereby that, in reference to Article 31, paragraph 1, letter d, of the Convention, jurisdiction over any offence established in accordance with the Convention, when the offence is committed by a stateless person who has his or her habitual residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland, shall be established in respect to any offence punishable by penalty exceeding two years of deprivation of liberty in accordance with the Polish penal law, when the offender is present on the territory of the Republic of Poland and when no decision on his or her extradition has been taken.
Period covered: 1/3/2009 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31


May 16, 2005

Feb 27, 2008

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 27 February 2008 - Or. Engl.

The Portuguese Republic declares that, with regard to the provisions contained in Article 31, paragraph 1, sub-paragraphs d) and e), of the Convention, it reserves the right not to apply the provisions thereof established, considering that the Portuguese criminal law establishes more rigorous and encompassing jurisdiction rules than the ones established in the said provisions of Article 31.
Period covered: 1/6/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31

Republic of Moldova

May 16, 2005

May 19, 2006

Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 19 May 2006 - Or. angl.

Moldova declares that, until the full re-establishment of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova, the provisions of the Convention shall be applied only on the territory controlled effectively by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova.
Period covered: 1/2/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : -


May 16, 2005

Aug 21, 2006

San Marino

May 19, 2006

Nov 29, 2010


May 16, 2005

Apr 14, 2009


May 19, 2006

Mar 27, 2007


Apr 3, 2006

Sep 3, 2009

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 3 September 2009 – Or. Engl.

Pursuant to Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Slovenia declares that it reserves the right not to apply the jurisdiction rule laid down in Article 31, paragraph 1 (d), given that it cannot ensure the criminal prosecution of a stateless person who has his or her habitual residence in its territory, if the offence is committed outside the territorial jurisdiction of any State.
Period covered: 1/1/2010 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31


Jul 9, 2008

Apr 2, 2009

Declaration contained in a Note Verbale from the Permanent Representation of Spain deposited with the instrument of ratification on 2 April 2009 – Or. Fr.

If the Council of Europe Convention on action against trafficking in human beings were to be applied to Gibraltar, Spain would like to make the following declaration:

1. Gibraltar is a non-autonomous territory whose international relations come under the responsibility of the United Kingdom and which is subject to a decolonisation process in accordance with the relevant decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

2. The authorities of Gibraltar have a local character and exercise exclusively internal competences which have their origin and their foundation in a distribution and attribution of competences performed by the United Kingdom in compliance with its internal legislation, in its capacity as sovereign State on which the mentioned non-autonomous territory depends.

3. As a result, the eventual participation of the Gibraltarian authorities in the application of this Convention will be understood as carried out exclusively as part of the internal competences of Gibraltar and cannot be considered to modify in any way what was established in the two previous paragraphs.
Period covered: 1/8/2009 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : -


May 16, 2005

May 31, 2010

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 31 May 2010 - Or. Engl.

In accordance with Article 31, paragraphs 1.e and 2, of the Convention, Sweden declares that it reserves the right not to apply or to apply only in specific cases or conditions the jurisdiction rules solely on the basis that an offence established in accordance with this Convention is committed against a Swedish national.
Period covered: 1/9/2010 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31


Sep 8, 2008

Dec 17, 2012

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Nov 17, 2005

May 27, 2009

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 27 May 2009 – Or. Engl.

In accordance with Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Macedonia declares that it reserves the right to apply Article 31, paragraphs 1.d and 1.e, of the Convention in compliance with the conditions set forth in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Macedonia.
Period covered: 1/9/2009 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31


Mar 19, 2009



Nov 17, 2005

Nov 29, 2010

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Mar 23, 2007

Dec 17, 2008

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 17 December 2008 - Or. Engl.

In accordance with Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the United Kingdom reserves the right not to apply Article 31, paragraph 1.d or 1.e, of the Convention.
Period covered: 1/4/2009 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s) : 31