860 multilateral conventions on Environmental Law, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Law of the Sea
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Welcome to WhatConvention.org

What is it about?

Our legal search engine provides an easier, quicker and more systematic access to international law in several languages. It facilitates the work of the professionals by simplifying their searches and providing them with more systematic results. It also enables the general public to access easily the international obligations contracted by any country.

In order to initiate a search, you just have to select one or several criteria in the research form and click on the button corresponding to the results you wish to obtain. The search is multidimensional. According to your needs, you may select:

Through this search, you can access any of the following results:

The search results take into consideration the various relevant parameters, including dates of ratification, signature and entry into force of the conventions, as well as potential reservations made by a a State party. By selecting a country and a topic, you can access in one click the relevant articles of international conventions binding the selected country on the selected topic.

We also offer a short introduction to international law as well as an important selection of bibliographical references and useful websites. In order to start a search, click here

What is the added value?

What domains are covered?

Currently, we cover almost a thousand multilateral conventions in the fields of human rights, humanitarian law, environmental law and law of the sea. Other areas of law, such as health, trade, development and economy will be added progressively.

What Languages?

French, English and Spanish. An Arabic version of the tool is available for human rights and humanitarian law on www.qanouni.org

Who manages WhatConvention.org?

WhatConvention.org is managed by Mandat International. To contact us please click here.

News and comments about WhatConvention?

On Whatconvention's blog you will find informations about our Legal Search Engine, news and useful links for anyone interested in International Law! Please leave your questions and comments and we will get back to you.

Legal disclaimer

The use of our legal search engine is only authorised to the condition that the user has understood and fully agreed with the following disclaimer:

Mandat International aims to ensure that the information provided by WhatConvention.org is accurate and up-to-date. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However, Mandat International accept no responsibility or liability with regard to the accuracy,copyright compliance or legality of material contained in this site. Mandat International provides links to external sites but has no control over such sites and it accepts no responsibility for their content. Therefore, Mandat International and its team decline any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the results obtained through the legal search engine. By using our website and/or its results, the user accepts to renounce to any claim and agree to the exclusive application of Swiss law for any legal interaction with us.


Please refer to our page on Acknowledgments and Credits.